What Are The Best Keyword Research Tools?

If you have a website for business purposes, no doubt you will be aware of the need to track visitor behaviour. This gives you some insight into how web users are finding your site, which pages they visit the most, how long they spend on each page, and so on. There are many ways this valuable data can be used to enhance the performance of the site.

The more you know about who is looking for your products or services, the more effectively you can target your marketing campaign, your content strategy, and the design of the website to reach and retain your target audience. All this data will help to boost your company’s search engine optimisation (SEO) and improve your online profile.

One of the main ways that web administrators track visitor behaviour is through a keyword research tool. This allows you to see which topics people are typing into search engines such as Google, Bing, Amazon, and so on, in order to research or buy your products or services. You can then improve your web visibility by adding more of those keywords in your content.

These tools let you see short keywords, sometimes referred to as ‘seed’ or ‘head’ keywords, which are one or two words that visitors type to search. However, these words are difficult to move through the rankings on alone, because there’s usually too much competition.

Long-tail keywords are more specific phrases that visitors either type or use voice search to search with, and they generally use them when they are closer to a point of purchase. They will attract less traffic than more commonly used words, but on the other hand, they are far more likely to reach your target customer, and have less competition.

So, without further ado, which are the best keyword research tools to use? If you want to use a free tool, then Google Keywords Planner is available through a Google Ads account. You will need to enter your credit card details to set one up, but you’re not obliged to buy any ads if you don’t want to. It lets you look at monthly data for each keyword.

Another popular free tool is AnswerThePublic, which presents its results in an accessible visual format. You don’t even need to create an account to use it for the most basic functions, such as checking Google autocomplete sentences, and featured snippets. If you want more specific results for your site, you’ll need to sign up for a paid plan.

A newer tool on the market is Microsoft Clarity. It’s a free open-source app which gives detailed insights into a website user’s behaviour, and can be integrated with Google Analytics.

For a more in-depth SEO tool suite, SEMrush is a popular choice. It will let you look at monthly search volumes, which words or terms are growing or falling in popularity, and it will provide suggestions for other keywords to include. It will also give you an insight into competitor’s SEO rankings and traffic volumes. SEMrush is available as a Word Press plugin.


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